75,000 people got to the polls with Upside

Empowering democracy: How Upside helped 75,000 users make their voices heard in the 2020 election

The Upside Team

The Upside Team

November 9, 2020
75,000 people got to the polls with Upside
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75,000 people got to the polls with Upside

Helping communities thrive is at the core of Upside’s mission, and communities thrive when everyone participates. This election cycle, we launched our first ever initiative to help users get to the polls. 

In just 2.5 weeks, over 75,000 Upside users from 47 states emailed to let us know they made it to the polls, with Upside’s help! Wow. Being able to help users get more value for their dollar is always our goal. But being able to help users directly impact their communities by getting to the polls to participate in democracy and make their voices heard, is something we’re particularly proud of. 

Each and every one of the 75,000 emails received from users is confirmation we did exactly that. Here’s what some of those user emails said: 

Over the last two months, every member of the Upside team has worked to make participation in our election more accessible to every member of the Upside community. We also took on a number of projects internally to do our part as individuals. You can read more about those initiatives in a previous post— in the end, with our efforts we: 

>> Encouraged others to vote by partnering with Vote Forward,   

>> Volunteered at the polls with Power to the Polls, and 

>> Made time to vote ourselves! 

We are thrilled about our users’ dedication to their communities, and humbled by the opportunity to help them participate in democracy.

75,000 people got to the polls with Upside

The Upside Team

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The Upside team is made up of data scientists and industry experts who are passionate about delivering empowering content to our readers. With a focus on providing practical insights and meaningful perspectives, we create engaging materials across a wide range of topics. From exploring industry trends and offering expert analysis to sharing useful tips and inspiring ideas, our team works diligently to provide you with the information you need to thrive.

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