A guide to loyalty & Upside

This comprehensive guide shows exactly how Upside works with your existing loyalty investments to boost impact.

Inside, you’ll learn:

  • How we work together to promote your business and drive signups to your loyalty program
  • How Upside accounts for “double-discounting” and takes proactive steps to protect your margin
  • The results we expect to deliver when you pair loyalty with Upside

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A guide to loyalty & Upside
A guide to loyalty & Upside

How Loyalty & Upside works

This is one of the easiest instruction manuals you’ll ever follow — most of the work is on Upside.

Getting started

Upside’s marketing and product strategies are designed to get the most out of your existing investments. Take a closer look at the levers we use to drive signups and engagement, like marketing partnerships and API integrations.

Full transaction walkthroughs

From the time the customer walks through your doors to the time they receive their cash back, what does a transaction featuring both loyalty and Upside actually look like? We’ll show you everything that happens on the back end.

Proven results

We see up to 44% of Upside users sign up for a retailer’s loyalty. They visit more often and spend more, too. No matter the retail category, Upside delivers results that go straight to your bottom line.

Upside complements your existing strategy by acquiring new customers and engaging lapsed members.

Get the guide

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